My sister had a "fun time" trying to answer to her 4-year-old daughter's "Why?" questions. Eg "Why is the actor's name is like her brother's?", "Why the chef's name sounds like Grandma's ?" etc.
This reminds me of something. Why? Why? Why?" is a root cause analysis technique to find root causes to a problem; usually used as part of creative problem solving process. Let say, if you are late for an appointment, find the root cause by asking "why?". Sample: Why I was late for appointment? Because there was a traffic jam. Why? Because I boarded the bus late. Why? Because I woke up late. Why? Because I slept late. So, sleeping late could be a root cause; and solve the root cause by : sleeping early! I sleep early, means I can wake up early, then I can board the earlier bus, which could beat the traffic jam, and I would not be late for the appointment. It's all started by asking a simple "Why?". And back to my sister's story, to have kids having to ask such questions, it's only natural because creativity are in-born. So, the next time you are faced with a challenge and are stuck for solution, unleash the inner child in you; then ask the "Why questions" and solve the challenge! Comments are closed.